The If U Care Share Foundation are a suicide prevention charity based in the North East.
However, their work goes far beyond the region as they work towards their three main aims – prevention, intervention and support for those bereaved by suicide.
The roots of the Foundation can be found in the tragic loss of 19-year-old Daniel O’Hare, who took his own life, without any warning or previous history of mental health problems.
Daniel’s brothers Matthew and Ben, along with his cousin Sarah (then aged 10, 5 and 13) hoped to do something positive to try and prevent another family suffering a similar experience.
They wanted to create a lasting memory to Daniel and started the If U Care Share Foundation.
The charity now works within schools, businesses and sports clubs to offer training and talks on emotional and mental health, prevention of suicide training and bespoke customised training to suit the needs of the audience.
They also offer support for those that need support with their mental health and for those bereaved by suicide and offer a number of different options for those that feel the need to reach out.
The Foundation are active within the football community and have received support from Premier League, Football League and non-league clubs for their award-winning annual ‘Inside Out’ campaign as people are encouraged to wear an item of clothing inside out to provoke a conversation on mental health.
More information on the If U Care Share Foundation can be found here