NORTH East Hearts with Goals is our chosen charity for February.
We, as a football club, are aware of our responsibility to give back to the community that we represent. During today’s game, and throughout February, we are encouraging our fans to donate to their fantastic cause. Set up almost five years ago by Kelly Best and Christine Stephenson, the charity has placed 330 defibrillators around the North East.
“We have saved seven lives to date,” Stephenson told The Highwaymen.
“This month will see our mobile cardiac screening unit allowing us to conduct ECGs and Echocardiograms for those who normally could not access them.
“100,000 people die every year in the UK from sudden cardiac arrest; at least 15 young people every week. “Having a defibrillator onsite is your chance of survival, increasing your chances up to 84% when a defibrillator is used quickly.
“It’s our mission to make them as accessible as fire extinguishers.”
Donate what you can or visit
(charity number 1158296)