When ConnoPani sat down with the Gateshead management to discuss this season, one thing was clear.

He wanted game-time, he had that desire to play, to enhance his game and continue his development.

So, during a summer where the attacking midfielder was allegedly very much in demand, Pani chose Morpeth Town.

It was the best environment for him to get as many minutes as possible. It is also the best place to speed up your thought process on the ball as the Pitching In NPL Premier Division is very much sink or swim.

Frenetic, high pressing teams often seek to kick the moment the ball arrives at an opponent. For Pani, it’s a challenge he is relishing and adjusting quickly to.

“Gateshead are in a higher league but this is about making quicker decisions, making the next step during a game,” said the Gateshead loanee, who will be with us until the end of the current campaign.

“It is knowing there is a man in the opposition who is always going to be there to give you a good beating – it’s the best way I can put it!

“You are never safe on the ball so you always need to make that extra decision. In this league, the lads are not scared to make a challenge, take a yellow card for the team and that’s the standard I need to be at now.

“You’ve got to know someone is on your back and you need to know your next move all the time before the opposition knows what you’re going to do.

“It’s a very quick turnaround in terms of the number of games at the start of the season but I can feel myself adjusting.

“After five or six games I can feel I’m getting into the swing of things. The first two games were a struggle as it is a different type of football. Now, I’m getting the ball more, my confidence is growing. It’s definitely having a positive effect on my game.”

One of the main challenges from the outset was getting to know a new squad of players, with Pani having been with Gateshead for a number of years in their youth teams.

Granted the presence of fellow ‘Heed loanee Ryan Wombwell will have helped with the transition, but it was a new experience and a rite of passage to go through.

This included the ritual of a new signing getting up and signing in front of the rest of the team!

“I feel like I’ve grown into the group,” he added.

“The lads are very welcoming, cracking jokes and I’ve fitted in really well. Being here has benefitted my confidence massively, especially getting on the ball and going forwards.

“It’s a massive step going on loan but the welcome has been amazing.”